What to Expect from Taking Golden Gummies

How Drastic Will the Results be?

This depends on whether gummies are used on their own, or in conjunction with other tanning methods, and how often you take the gummies.

However it is used, most people will see an increase in their tan; but, this will vary from user to user as metabolisms differ. Taking two gummies per day, most people should see a shade or two difference.

Because it is very difficult to measure tanning accurately, we encourage you to take before and after pictures with the same lighting to be able to notice. Also, what may not be obvious to you will often be obvious to other people.

What comes in an order?

One order will come with a single bottle as pictured. There are 60 gummies in a bottle. This will last one month taking 2 gummies per day.

What to Expect as a Tanning Supplement

The best way to take Golden Gummies in is conjunction with other tanning methods. Ideally you take Golden Gummies and consistently tan either outdoors, at a tanning salon, or with artificial tanning solutions. We encourage you to take before and after photos. Within two months (likely earlier) most people will see a natural-looking, darker, more attractive tan. Usually it will be a couple shades more than you would have otherwise achieved.

What to Expect in the Winter With no other Tanning Methods

While it is recommended to use Golden Gummies in conjunction with other tanning methods to achieve the best results, Golden Gummies can help you maintain more tan skin during the winter when taken alone. Users who only tan outside often take them during the winter to stay a couple shades more tan than their normal pale winter selves.

Will it look natural?

Yes - the all-natural ingredients lead to an all-natural tan.

Please see our how it works page to read the scientific articles explaining that supplement tans often can look more attractive than other tanning methods.

How long does it take to see results?

Individual results will vary. You should see a change in skin complexion within 4-12 weeks of daily use.

I have had great results, can I share my photos?

Please send us an email to alex@goldengummies.co, or post on instagram and tag us!


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