How Beta-Carotene Supplements Work

Scientific Study

Antioxidant-rich nutrients increase skin pigmentation

This study looked at how certain nutrients like carotenoids, vitamin E, and vitamin C affect the color of our skin, even without sunlight. The study showed that taking these supplements significantly increased skin pigmentation.


Scientific Study

People are more attracted to a carotenoid tan than a UV tan

This study investigates the influence of skin coloration, on facial attractiveness. It finds that increased carotene coloration enhance attractiveness, especially in female faces during dating and the overall appearance of health.


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Beta-carotene can make you look tanner and more healthy [study]

People were divided into groups, the first group was given beta-carotene, and the other group tanned with UV. After rating them on attractiveness, the people who ate beta-carotene were more attractive.

Link to the Study

Young women up beta-carotene intake and darken their skin [study]

After giving young women beta-carotene, their skin complexion was changed

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Antioxidant-rich nutrients induce pigmentation in skin [study]

Other nutrients besides beta-carotene found in vegetables/seaweed can make you more tan

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How to get a Tan without Damaging your Skin [GQ]

GQ writes about how beta-carotene can be used to get a killer tan without UV rays.

Link to GQ

Beta-carotene can augment your UV tan

This online article explains the pros and cons of using beta-carotene to help your tan

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